Public Records Request
Dysart Unified School District #89 records are open to public review unless otherwise exempted from disclosure by District policy, Federal law and Arizona state laws. Documents protected from disclosure are listed online with the Arizona Attorney General's Office
Transcripts and student records are not public records and should be requested by contacting the last school of attendance.
When will the public record be received by the requestor?
- Access to view the records request will be provided within a reasonable period of time in compliance with Arizona public records law following receipt by the District Records Department.
- Dysart Unified School District strives to fulfill requests within 20 business days; when possible. Actual processing time may widely vary depending on the amount of requests received and the difficulty of accessing the requested information.
- To reduce processing time, narrow your request with specific details and timelines for public information.
- If access is denied, a written statement of the grounds for denial will be provided.
Requesting Public Records for Commercial Purpose:
When a person or entity requests public records for a commercial purpose, the person shall provide a statement setting forth the commercial purpose for which the records will be used. Upon being furnished the statement, the Superintendent may provide reproduction of such requested records. The charge for such records shall include the following:
- A portion of the cost for the District to obtain the original or copies of the documents, printouts or photographs requested.
- A reasonable fee for the cost of time, materials, equipment and personnel in producing such reproduction.
- The value of the reproduction on the commercial market as best determined by the Superintendent.
Under ARS 39-121, a person who obtains a public record for a commercial purpose without indicating the commercial purpose or who obtains a public record for a noncommercial purpose and uses or knowingly allows the use of such public record for a commercial purpose shall in addition to other penalties be liable to the state or the political subdivision from which the public record was obtained for damages in the amount of three times the amount which would have been charged for the public record plus costs and reasonable attorney fees.
Due to staffing a high volume of public records requests, fulfillment times may be delayed.