School Leadership

A message from the Principal
Hello and Welcome Cimarron Springs Middle School!
We are so excited that you are here! Middle School is such a unique time during the educational journey and the assembled faculty and staff of CSMS have chosen to be here because of this very reason! We are ready to support your students Academically, Athletically and Artistically. Our Middle School students are experiencing a different structure here and are able to choose electives that are UNIQUE to middle school such as Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, classes that are eligible for High School credit like Spanish, PE and Algebra I. Our students are experiencing more freedom during lunches (like high school) with 30 minutes to eat and take a break from classes either inside the cafeteria or outside in our covered courtyard.
In all of this, we hold high expectations for our students and our culture supports our Stallion Pride. Stallion Pride stands for:
We are a Growth Mindset school and wish to support our students in learning to persevere and practice their determination in their education all while being an example for good citizenship both inside and outside of the school campus.
We invite you to come and take a look at Cimarron Springs Middle School! We would love to show you around!
Thank you and GOOOO STALLIONS!!!