Sustainable Engineering Signature Focus
Students at Cimarron Springs learn about Sustainable Engineering to understand how communities can come together to solve the challenges of today with consideration for generations to come. While we instill kindness, with caring and concern about sustainable living into our students, they will, in turn, be an example in their community. We then incorporate our stakeholders in asking them, “What problems do you want to solve?” We work on these problems through deliberate instruction and student experiences that help to make all learning relevant to life long skills. We believe we are preparing the students at Cimarron Springs to be the solvers of tomorrow’s problems. We do this by creating extraordinary learning opportunities, critical thinking and creating through a Sustainability Engineering focus. Our goal is to leave our community and world a better place through this process.
Partnerships, Projects and Celebrations
- Established a School Signature Focus Website
- Applied for and was awarded the Heritage Grant through the Arizona Game and Fish department for a Sonoran habitat and outdoor classroom
- Began phase one of three for the Heritage Grant project
- Partnered with the University of Arizona Project WET and had a unique groundwater presentation for their students
- iExplore focused on the design thinking and engineering process
- 5th grade focused on mini projects exploring sustainability in our school cafeteria
- 7/8th grade worked on a human impact project
- Students learned about, and created their own Solar Ovens Established a partnership with Surprise Waste Management and the BE GROSS campaign and hosted an event on campus
- Participated in the Sustainable Engineering Club hosted by Willow Canyon National Honor Society
- Designed our School Signature Focus banner
- Virtual water conservation magic shows
- Virtual STEAM event hosted by Maricopa Air Quality department's Education Outreach program and special guests Jordyn Cyrus from the Arizona Capitol Museum and Laura Hackett from Liberty Wildlife
- In Ms. Wecker's iExplore class, students completed Superintendent Steve Watson's 'Solve it STEM Challenge'.
- 5-8th grade students created Sustainable Tiny Houses then incorporated how to address a local issue such as food waste.
- Students created a Sustainable Public Service announcement aimed at addressing one of the challenges from the STEM Challenge