Arrival and Dismissal
Mountain View Arrival/Dismissal Procedures for the school year
Monday Arrival: 8:40-9:00am. School begins promptly at 9:00am.
Monday Dismissal: 1:45pm
Tuesday-Friday Arrival: 8:40-9:00am. School begins promptly at 9:00am.
Tuesday-Friday Dismissal: 3:45pm
Mountain View prides itself on being a true community school~ nestled in the middle of the Cortessa neighborhood. We have approximately 1000 students who will walk, ride bikes, or be dropped off each day. With that being said, we have established specific morning and afternoon routines for our busy arrival and dismissal times. We strongly recommend that parents arrive for dismissal at 3:30 (Kinder and preschool) or 3:45 (1st-8th grade families). Please remember that our pickup lane is a fire lane, and so parking in the drive is not permitted. If you need to park, please use the visitor parking lot.
Student safety continues to be a priority and in an effort to plan for the most effective supervision of our students, we ask that all parents and students follow our drop off and pick up procedures. Our school start time is 9:00am and breakfast is served from 8:40-8:55 am. Gates will open at 8:40 am and students will report directly to classrooms to begin their day.
Please remember, students are not permitted to arrive at school prior to 8:40 am, as we do not have supervision available. If prior arrangements have been made with a staff member, students are to wait outside the front office. Our school end time is 3:45 T-F/1:45 Mondays and Early Release Days.
Arrival Procedures
Preschool: Park in an actual parking spot in the front parking lot. Do not park in the front drive lane at any time. Per state regulations, pre-school parents are required to sign-in their child, at the entrance, with proper identification. Parents will sign their student in at the gate.
Kindergarten: Kindergarten students will enter through the Kindergarten gate. When exiting a vehicle, all students must exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. Drivers are to remain in the vehicle at all times. If you are walking your child to the gate, please park in a parking spot in the front lot. Students will not be allowed to cross the crosswalk without an adult escort. Do not park in the front drive lane at any time as this is a fire lane. Kinder bike riders will use the bike racks near the Kinder playground to secure their bike. Remember, scooters and skateboards are to be walked at all times on school grounds. The school is not responsible for stolen property.
1st-8th Grade: Students will enter through the door by the library and then proceed immediately to their classroom, with the exception of students who are eating breakfast. These students will go directly to the cafeteria and then to class. When exiting a vehicle, all students must exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. Drivers are to remain in the vehicle at all times. Breakfast opens at 8:40 am and closes at 8:55 am so that are students can be in class by 9:00 am. If you are walking your child to the door, please park in a parking spot in the front lot. Students will not be allowed to cross the crosswalk without an adult escort. Do not park in the front drive lane at any time, as this is a fire lane. Bike riders will use the courtyard bike racks to secure their bike. Remember - scooters and skateboards are to be walked at all times on school property and should be locked in the bike rack. The school is not responsible for stolen property.
Dismissal Procedures
Preschool: Park in a parking spot in the front parking lot. Do not park in the front drive at any time, this a fire lane. Per state regulations, pre-school parents are required to sign-out their child, at the entrance/exit for preschool, with proper identification.
Kindergarten: Teachers will have students organized by how they will be picked up (by parent, walking with sibling, and so forth) and will assist in supervising students, coordinating pick-ups at the gate and assisting children to their vehicles. Students will be released through the Kindergarten gate. Drivers are to remain in the vehicle at all times. If you are walking to the gate to pick up your child, please park in a parking spot in the front lot. If you are in a vehicle to pick up, do not park in the front drive. Simply, pull up ahead of the orange cones and have your name card clearly displayed on the dash. Students will be entering the vehicle on the passenger side.
1st-8th Grade: There will be designated areas for 1st through 5th grade, identified by signs in the front of the school. Teachers will be supervising the students by each sign. Students will be expected to be listening for their name to be called, and watching for their vehicle in the front drive. Teachers will also be stationed at numbered cones along the drive, where vehicles will be pulling up. Drivers are to remain in the vehicle at all times. DO NOT park and leave your vehicle at any time. You will be directed to pull up to a cone in a single line, as the line moves forward. 1st through 3rd grade families have your name card clearly displayed on the dash and supervising teachers will be calling students to their vehicles according to cone number. Students will be entering the vehicle on the passenger side.
- Respectfully follow all directions of school staff.
- The back parking lot is for buses and staff only, do not use as drop off/pick up.
- Do not park by dumpsters or any red curbs.
- Staff will wave you forward in the line when it is safe to do so.
- Refrain from using phones while in drive line in order to remain alert.
- Students must enter on passenger side of vehicle.
- Siblings can gather at the youngest siblings' assigned cone for easy pick up.
- Do not ever leave vehicle unattended in front drive.
- Students must be escorted across the crosswalks by an adult.
- Do not double-park.
- Do not block crosswalks.
- The parking lot is not a drop-off/pick-up area.
- Parking lot curbs are NO PARKING areas (red curbs).
- Handicapped spots are reserved for identified vehicles only.
- When walking your child, use only manned crosswalks.
- Be patient and be a good role model for our students.
Taking the appropriate measures to ensure everyone’s safety is worth the effort to follow these guidelines. We appreciate your continued support and assistance to ensure that students and families arrive and depart from campus safely each day. This truly is a combined effort to maintain safety, and we value your partnership and patience.