Get Involved
PTA/PTO Information
Riverview collaborates with the Dysart Community Coalition, which supports our students and community, as well as the neighboring schools of El Mirage and Surprise Elementary Schools.
Our school community is excited to integrate community members into our schools and programs. Community members looking to get involved and make a difference in the lives of children and their families can volunteer in many ways for our school, offering valuable support to educators! Learn more at
Tax Credit
You can support Riverview Elementary School and receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit. Choose one of the four categories and a school to support, and 100% of your donation goes to the category and school of your choice. Arizona Law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows married couples filing jointly a tax credit of up to $400 and individual taxpayers a tax credit of up to $200 when they contribute to extra-curricular activities in public schools. This tax credit is available to all who reside in Arizona and have a tax liability at least equal to that of their donation. You do not have to be a parent of a child in our school to benefit from this law. Contributions are donated directly to the school. This means your donations are used directly to support student activities here at Riverview Elementary School.
Online Tax Credit Contribution
AZ Tax Credit Contribution Form
Mail your check with the Tax Credit Program form to:
Dysart Unified School District No. 89 Attn: Tax Credit Program 15802 North Parkview Place Surprise, Arizona 85374
Site Council
The Riverview Site Council is a semi-autonomous body of parents, teachers, and administrators. As mandated by the Dysart Unified School District, the purpose of the Site Council is to manage the collection and distribution of public tax expenditure funds donated to the campus. Periodically, the council also reviews school policies and offers feedback. Our bylaws dictate that donated funds be utilized for extra-curricular activities; unless otherwise specified by those contributing.
An application process governs the distribution of tax expenditures. All requests are examined by the council monthly and a majority vote decides each pending issue. For the 2022-2023 academic year, the Site Council will focus its efforts on extra-curricular clubs, athletics funding, and staff compensation for club facilitation offered to learners before or after school. Ongoing fundraising, via community tax credit applications, will also play a prominent role in our activities
Joey Tokhi, Principal
Committee Members:
Joey Tokhi, Principal
Sara Casey, Asst. Principal
Kathryn Berger, Teacher
Andrea Cervantes, Admin Secretary III
Deanna Clark, Parent Member
Meeting Dates:
December 18, 2024
Site Council Meeting Agendas:
Site Council Agenda 12/18/2024
Site Council Meeting Minutes:
Site Council Minutes 12/8/2024
Site Council Minutes 1/21/2025