New to Athletics?
Welcome to Shadow Ridge Athletics! Here you will find the basic information for all incoming athletes (Freshman, Transfer Students, and anyone who has not participated in athletics previously at Shadow Ridge). Students must be enrolled at Shadow Ridge prior to completing any athletic paperwork, if your enrollment hasn't been finalized, anything you submit for athletics will be rejected and you will be asked to resubmit once your enrollment is complete.
Register My Athlete (RMA)
All athletes must have a completed registration in RegisterMyAthlete (RMA) in the current school year for each sport they would like to tryout/participate with. Summer conditioning requires a registration in the upcoming school year (i.e. for summer 2021, athletes must be cleared in 21-22 under the sport(s) of their choosing. The registration must say "Complete" before you can participate, if it doesn't say complete, you are missing something. *Transfer students' status will likely say "Transfer Pending" (see Transfer Students below), as long as the last page says everything else is complete, then you are cleared for summer and/or tryouts.
Families are asked to input athlete data, read and agree to important athletic documents/policies, e-sign for both athlete and parent/guardian, complete and upload an athlete physical (physical exam date must be no earlier than March 1st of the previous school year), and complete an online concussion and opioid education course and upload the completion certificates. When you are getting the physical, please make sure that the doctor has stamped the form, this speeds up the approval process on physicals. When the physical isn't stamped we have to call and confirm the physical took place and many medical offices won't release that information over the phone. Make sure you uploaded all 6 pages of the physical and only the 6 pages, do not include additional documents such as the MTBI or Consent to Treat.
Please plan on uploading your own physical to RMA, we have instructions linked on the athletics homepage. Uploads typically are approved within 48 hours but can take longer during high volume times (i.e. right before tryouts). Do not wait until the last minute to upload documents for tryouts, they may not get processed in time for tryouts, especially if there are issues with any of your documents (see below). Plan on submitting everything for clearance at least a week in advance. If you absolutely cannot upload your own documents, the office can upload them for you, but this is a minimum of 48 hours and can take several days depending on the time of year and volume of uploads. The school will not accept documents to upload the week before or week of tryouts, except in extenuating circumstances.
Common reasons for your documents to be rejected: Form isn't completely filled out, signatures are missing, exam date is missing on physical, exam date is before 3/1 of the previous year (i.e. 3/1/21 for the 21/22 school year), uploading extra pages (unless additional documentation is required with physical), not uploading all six pages of physical, uploading the congrats page instead of the completion certificate for the concussion/opioid course.
Need to check your athlete's clearance? We've got instructions linked below and some troubleshooting options as well.
Student Insurance
In order to participate in any capacity with Shadow Athletics, students must have insurance. This information must be included and updated each year in RMA. Failure to do so will result in the athlete being unable to participate until insurance information is provided. Please visit the District's student insurance page for more info or to purchase student insurance.
Transfer Students
If you have attended another high school for any length of time, your parent/guardian will need to complete transfer paperwork online, via AIA. Your RMA registration status will show "Transfer Pending" until your transfer paperwork has been finalized through the AIA system. Sometimes this only takes a few days, and sometimes it can take a few weeks. Each application is different and varies depending on the information included. Once the paperwork has finished processing, you will receive an email via RMA with the results of your transfer paperwork and what your eligibility is for each sport you included on your paperwork. Athletes may still participate while their transfer status is pending, but they may not compete in games/matches/etc.
Coach Contact Info
Reaching out to the head coach of the sport your child is interested in is the best way of getting the most up-to-date information about that sport and any open gym/off-season conditioning/tryouts/etc. Email addresses of all head coaches can be found by clicking the sport’s link under the appropriate season* on the athletics homepage (www.dysart.org/srhsathletics). If you don't know what season your sport falls under, we have everything listed below.
*Please note: cheer and pom are towards the bottom of the page under “Year-Round Sports”