Dysart Schools use Illustrative Mathematics for instruction. IM K–11 is a problem-based core curriculum built on the principle that all students are capable learners of grade-level mathematics. Students learn math by doing math. They are encouraged to use their current understanding of math, their lived experiences, and the world around them as resources for problem solving.

Language Arts
Dysart schools use 95 Percent Group Phonics, HMH Into Reading, CommonLit, SAVVAS myView, and SAVVAS myPerspectives to develop literacy skills in phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, analysis, and evaluation of texts. Students develop their skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language use as described in the state standards for each grade level.

Dysart schools use Discovery Science Tech book curriculum, as well as Generation Genius and Mystery Science. Students actively participate in science practices, and look through the lens of cross cutting concepts, as they explore the content described in the state standards for each grade level.

Social Studies
Dysart Schools use McGraw Hill Networks and Impact as well as Discovery Education curriculums for the instruction of Social Studies. Students engage in inquiry based instruction where they explore the various content described in the state standards for each grade level.
Advisory is a common block of time on students’ schedules in which a group of students meets with their advisor. The purpose of advisory is to create the support systems necessary to be successful in middle school and the transition to high school. Advisory may
focus on:
- Academic and Behavioral Goal Setting and Reflection
- Organization and Note Taking
- Focus on Academic Readiness
- Communication
- School Culture and Team Building

Spanish 1-2
Students will focus on grammar, proper verb forms (i.e., agreement of verb and subject as well as gender), basic everyday expressions, and vocabulary. Students will be introduced to the cultures and geographies of Spanish-speaking countries. Spanish II will focus on grammar, proper verb forms (i.e. subject-verb agreement), compound verb forms, vocabulary expressions designed to expand communication skills, and the past tense. Students will continue their exploration of the cultural aspects of Spanish-speaking countries.

Algebra 1-2
Students will deepen and extend their understanding of solving equations and systems, compare and contrast the difference in behaviors between linear and non-linear relationships, and apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Students will extend their understanding of functions to build functions. Students will engage in methods of analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. Students will also extend their understanding of probability and statistics. The standards of mathematical practice and modeling with mathematics are embedded into this course. This course is also offered as an honors credit.

Physical Education
Students will develop skills in team and individual sports, personal fitness, and health-related activities. Students will study the complexities of body and mind and how to maintain good health. This course is a year-long course, offered online through iSchool but facilitated during PE class. This course will require work outside of the classroom. Students taking this course are taking a high school credit course. It is imperative that students and parents understand grades from this course will be posted and can not be removed from their high school transcripts.

Students in 5th through 8th grade select one elective per quarter. This equates to two electives per year and a total of eight during their middle school experience. Of those eight elective choices, students are required to select at least one art, one physical education, and one iExplore elective. The other five choices are up to the student. A detailed explanation of electives can be found in the Middle School Course Selection Guide